Thursday 21 October 2021

Simple DIY Stuff to Know About Your Car

Let’s face it, folks, cars are awesome! Especially muscle cars, sports cars, and high-performance vehicles. While anyone can appreciate a quality car, few of us can actually pop the hood or the trunk and understand what’s really going on inside.  Today, we’re going to put the gloves on and take you front and center to the action. Even if you’ve never used a wrench, a tire iron, or a hydraulic jack before, you will find plenty of use in the following tips.

The DIY tips we’re about to show you won’t make you a highway king, or a star racer on the speedway, but they will save you plenty of cash for a date night or other forms of white-knuckle entertainment. If you enjoy adrenaline-loaded speedway action, you can ante up and in anticipation of getting your hotrod ready for the road.

Buckle up, it’s time to burn rubber!

Hotrod Tip #1

car tires need to be properly inflated

Ever heard the expression, ‘When the rubber meets the road?’ That’s your tires we’re talking about. Your car tires need to be properly inflated at all times. If you over-inflate your tires, you will notice balding in the middle of your tires while the rest of the tire retains its tread.  

Why? Because you form a convex inverted U-shape on your tires when you over-inflate them. This causes excessive wear on one section of your tires.  Under-inflating your tires is just as bad. You will wear down the outside edges on both sides, causing significant early damage to them.

Always check to see that your tires are properly inflated. There should be a sufficient amount of tread on your tires at all times, for better road handling, and to avoid being pulled over by the police. Check the driver-side front door panel for the correct tire pressure, or the glovebox for your car manual.

Hotrod Tip #2

Car Oil Leak

If your car starts burning (and you’re smelling a burning rubber smell) from the engine under the hood when you turn on the ignition, it is most likely going to be an oil leak. If you shine a light on the engine, you might see the oil leaking onto the metal components of your exhaust system, or the engine block itself.

Either way, it’s time to get the leak plugged. Avoid the car dealers – they’re very expensive. If you can’t fix it yourself, call a mobile mechanic. They come to you and they operate at cut-rate prices. Oil leaks can be simple to fix, or complicated – depending on the severity of the problem. You always want to get this issue checked out ASAP.

Hotrod Tip #3

Car AC Air Conditioner Not Working Why

If your car’s air conditioner is not blowing clean air – this is a problem. Many of us know how to change our filter in our AC unit at home, but only a handful of us know that our cars also have filters that need to be changed out from time to time. You don’t need to take your car to the dealer and to change an air filter – you can do it yourself.

First things first – locate your air filter in your vehicle. It is usually located on the passenger side of the vehicle in the glove box area, or near the area where the front passengers’ knees are located against the console. Next, call your dealer and order replacement filters for your specific vehicle. In seconds, you can change out the filter and enjoy cool air again!

Hotrod Tip #4

Filling Up The Car Fluids

in the engine is really not as difficult as it seems. There’s the water + antifreeze in the radiator, the liquid to clean the windows, oil in the engine, and the brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir. Provided you’ve got the right supplies: you can do all of this on your own. Take it to a car dealer or a workshop, and they’re going to charge you a fortune. Just a word of advice, be sure to pour the right liquids into the right reservoirs.

How do you do it? Only open the radiator when the engine is cold. Then, you can fill it up with water and antifreeze/coolant. It has the steel lid that you turn counterclockwise to open. For the engine oil, locate the engine block. First, check the amount of oil and the condition of oil by pulling out the dipstick. Take a paper towel to wipe it down and then reinsert it to check how much oil is in your engine. If the oil is dirty, or empty, or both, it’s time for an oil change.

Your brake fluid shouldn’t need regular changing, but if it’s empty, you can top it up with the appropriate product for your vehicle. As for the window washing liquid – that’s an easy one. Look for the black plastic lid with a picture of a windshield and water spraying on it. Fill it up with Windex, window cleaner, or water – it’s your call.

The post Simple DIY Stuff to Know About Your Car appeared first on Automotorblog: Daily news on cars and motorcycles.

from Automotorblog: Daily news on cars and motorcycles

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